Published On: Tue, May 7th, 2024

PM Mercelina praises utilities company GEBE

PHILIPSBURG – Prime Minister Dr. Luc Mercelina and Minister of VSA and Acting Minister of VROMI Veronica Jansen-Webster made a tour of the GEBE power plant, amid rising concerns about power cuts and problems with billing.

Minister Jansen-Webster- who worked in the past as Chief Operations Officer at GEBE – said in an interview that the government is looking at ways to help GEBE.

Prime Minister Mercelina emphasized in the same broadcast his focus on sustainability, not only in terms of the provision of power and water to the community but also in the field of healthcare. “Under the given circumstances I have great respect for the people who are working at GEBE under challenging conditions,” he said.

The prime minister also praised the utilities company by claiming 96 percent accuracy in the billing of its customers. “That is reason to applaud the organization of GEBE.”

PM Mercelina denied that GEBE is the responsibility of a single minister. ‘GEBE belongs to the people of St. Maarten, to the government and to the Council of Ministers.”


Press release: PM Mercelina goes on a Surprise Visit to GEBE Power Plant
