Government is making progress in the review of the Disaster Plan for ESF7
Following the workshops held in May 2018 for the Emergency Support Functions ‘Evacuation, Shelters, Relief & Mass Care’ (ESF 7), Disaster Management experts Robert Verhoeven and Viola van Baardwijk of VNG International held two table-top exercises on Tuesday June 26th and Thursday June 28th, 2018.
Both the information gathered during the workshops in May and experiences in the Netherlands with disaster management resulted in an ESF 7 Emergency Management Structure and Task charts. The goal of the table-top sessions was to get those finalized.
The first table-top session was with the key players of the Emergency Management Structure of ESF 7. Excellent input was provided to the draft Task Charts which can be completed now. The second table-top session was with key players from ESF 4 (Fire department), ESF 5 (Police) and ESF 10 (TEATT) who have an interest in collaborating with ESF 7. All participants discussed their contribution to ESF 7.
Both sessions resulted in more awareness of which activities fall under the responsibility of ESF 7 and which do not. Also it was concluded that Management of Information is an essential part in running ESF 7, but also for Emergency Management in general and that it should be addressed in the Emergency Operation Center (EOC).
The table-top sessions have taken the preparation of ‘Evacuation, Shelters, Relief & Mass Care’ to the next level. The next step is to finalize the Disaster Plan for ESF 7.
For more information please contact VNG International:; +31703738401