Published On: Sun, Sep 17th, 2017

About 9,000 evacuated after Irma

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SXM Airport — Minister Responsible for Civil Aviation and the airport Mellissa Arrindell-Doncher on Sunday reported that almost 9,000 people have been evacuated from St. Maarten after the passing of hurricane Irma. The Minister has been present at the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) almost every day to assist in the coordinating of the evacuation flights.

As of Sunday, September 17, the Dutch Military moved 1,569 people to Curacao, the US military moved approximately 1,800 people, evacuations using commercial aircraft were approximately 4,000 people (including private charters), about 600 people were moved by Royal Caribbean cruise liners Majesty of the Seas and Adventure of the seas as part of the company’s humanitarian relief. Military aircraft from Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Canada and France also moved nationals of those countries totaling approximately 500.

Flights back into the island soon

The Minister explained that as the relief flights are beginning to slow, government will look to announce when residents abroad can return home as well as the re-commencement of Commercial flights into the island.

“It was quite an exercise assisting with the management of evacuation flights as well as the arrival of relief and humanitarian efforts into St. Maarten. Lessons were learnt and will be applied in future disaster/emergency situations. There are many people, airport personnel, police, immigration, customs and Marechaussee who dedicated hours upon hours on PJIA to ensure that the logistics and movement of people was as manageable as possible,” she said.

Evacuation at SXM Airport

Photo above caption: Busy afternoon at PJIA as more people capitalize on the opportunity during the daily evacuation exercises. Photo by TODAY photo journalist Milton Pieters.

Photo top caption: Minister Mellissa Arrindell-Doncher meeting with Head of Civil Aviation Lou Halley (center) and COO/Interim CEO of PJIA Michel Hyman (right). Photo contributed by Cabinet of the Minister of TEATT.

KLM 747 Jumbo Jet Landing Again at SXM Airport Hercules CC-130 Cargo Aircraft at SXM Airport Hercules CC-130 Cargo Aircraft - SXM Airport Helicopter above Hercules Cargo Jumbo Jet landing at SXM Airport

Photos above caption: SXM Airport has never seen so many Hercules military aircrafts, jumbo jets and cargo carriers in one day. Photo by TODAY photo journalist, Milton Pieters.