Published On: Thu, Oct 5th, 2017

Ombudsman Arduin gets second term

Arduin 20140414GREAT BAY – Parliament will receive a proposal from the central committee to reappoint Ombudsman Dr. Nilda Arduin for a second term of seven years.

The central committee met yesterday afternoon – the first meeting in the Parliament Building after Hurricane Irma.

The committee that examined the applications for the position reported on August 29 that it had received just two applications and that none of them had a “strong assessment.”

The committee gave an advice that consisted of three options. The first one was to reopen the application period; the second one was to appoint the candidate that had come out of the selection process with the highest score. And the third option was to reappoint the incumbent ombudsman Arduin for a second term.

The Presidium of Parliament took the third option and it did not meet any objections from the members of Parliament. The proposal to reappoint Arduin will now go for handling to a public meeting of Parliament.

Arduin’s first term ends in four days – on October 9.