Published On: Sat, Oct 10th, 2020

10x the next 10 years

As we commemorate today, 10-10-20, 10 years of Country Sint Maarten since 10-10-10, we must inexorably conclude: “We have nothing to be proud about!”

The past weeks we have reviewed the state of the mental health of our country.

A countty is judged by how it takes care of its most vulnerable. Our most vulnerable are abandoned, forgotten and left isolated.

To fix these problems in our country the next ten years, we need to train our own people and amass an army of strategically placed personnel, educate a cadre of competent managers and instill and inspire a new generation of leaders. That takes vision, strategy and a master plan.

On 10-10-30 we want something to be really proud about. For that we need to Ten X our country’s human capital and human resources and 10x these to their full potential.