Published On: Wed, Mar 15th, 2017

Consenting adults

The prosecutor’s office is coming down hard on the suspects in the Casablanca human trafficking case with an 8-year prison sentence demand for the company’s director.

It is certainly another wake up call for the prostitution sector on the island. It has struggled with changed rules the government has implemented but those same rules could now work in favor of the industry’s main players.

The labor department no longer grants work permits for sex workers, as it likes to call prostitutes; instead it issues work permits for exotic dancers. That should take the heat of the government as an accomplice to human trafficking.

These dancers are than free as ‘consenting adults’ to have sex with anyone they like for a price.

While this may sound like a practical solution it also seems to open the door for even more abuse. That will be no help to girls who sell their bodies for a living, but it will give brothel owners a lot of unexpected leeway.