Published On: Fri, Oct 14th, 2016

Lame approach

The 2014 vote buying case seems to saunter along but not to a speedy conclusion. Memories of the 2010 vote buying case come to mind. It ended with an acquittal for all defendants but not really, because the prosecution has appealed that verdict.

The way this is going we will still be dealing with it when the calendar says 2020.

The second vote-buying case is now adjourned until an unspecified date in the future – say, 2017.

One may well wonder whether all this takes so long because defendants are playing games (as the court seems to suggest) or whether bailiffs are not doing their job properly (as we hear from the other side of the fence).

Letting all this drag on does not serve any obvious purpose, or it must be that defendants are able to maintain their innocence as long as they have not been found guilty.

That seems a rather lame approach. Let’s get this over with.