Published On: Mon, Dec 12th, 2022

Corrupted judicial system in labour matters

Dear Editor,

Listening to a recent radio program hosted by ONESXM Association, in which the Head of the Labour Department was the guest, turned out to be a sad state of affairs where employers behavior are concerned.
The Labour Department, is tasked in carrying out its function to safeguard employment for nationals of this territory, and prevent employers from blatantly discriminating in their hiring practices, which are aided and abetted by judges.
Case in point. The Labour Department denied a work permit for a foreigner as requested by an employer, because nationals are available to perform the work that was advertised.
The employer not satisfied with the decision, went to court and appealed the decision rendered by the Labour Department.
The judge handling the appeal rendered a judgement overturning the decision of the Labour Department, by stating that employers have the right to employ whom they want. This allows foreigners to enter this territory and be employed without any sanctions to employers.
It was also revealed that discriminatory practices in hiring nationals are blatantly taking place without any sanctions. Employers are boldly stating that only “whites” may apply.
So the question is, where are our members of government when these practices takes place? Or aren’t they informed?
Further, Americans can be employed without a work permit, as mentioned by the official of the Labour Department. This practice is baffling. Since when a law was passed by our government allowing Americans to be employed without a work permit?
Perhaps the official from the Labour Department can shed more light if there’s such a law.
Considering the openly discriminatory practices and skirting of Labour laws by employers, the question is: are Labour Unions dormant?F. Lake