Published On: Sun, Nov 12th, 2017

Inspectorate encourages all businesses to be good neighbors

GREAT BAY – The Inspectorate of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunications (TEATT) would like to remind all license holders/permit holders that according to art. 52 of the Vergunningslandsverordening; it is forbidden for the license holder/permit holder to either facilitate or to allow for music to be made, shows/performances or other such activities to be held or to be organized or to allow dancing for the amusement of the public in a locality accessible to the public, without the written permission of the Minister or without having heard the Minister of Justice.

Therefore, written permission from the Minister of TEATT is required to offer the abovementioned activities.

The Inspectorate strongly advises all license holders/permit holders to adhere to all conditions of their permit.

Controls will be executed and license/permit conditions and the ordinance will be enforced.

Violation of article 52 shall be punished by a maximum of four months’ imprisonment or a fine not exceeding five thousand guilders.

The Inspectorate encourages all businesses to be good neighbors.

For more information, email or visit our offices at Juancho Yrausquin Blvd #6, (Opposite the former Sang’s Supermarket).