SFC concludes successful working visit and funding information session on Saba & Statia
Philipsburg — The project advisor of the ‘Samenwerkende Fondsen Caribbean or SFC’ (‘Cooperating Foundations for the Dutch Caribbean’) on Sint Maarten, whom caters to the islands of Sint Maarten, Saba and Statia with providing funding opportunities for social endeavors, hosted a successful working visit and funding information sessions on both Saba and Statia.
SFC was set up over 14 years ago, as a collaborative effort to support social initiatives on the Dutch Caribbean islands, regardless of their status within the Kingdom. It is an organization that is facilitated by six funding agencies, originating from the Netherlands; Fonds Sluyterman van Loo, Innovatiefonds Zorgverzekeraars, Kansfonds, Oranje Fonds, Stichting Kinderpostzegels, and the newly joined Roomsch Catholijk Oude Armen Kantoor (RCOAK).
On Monday June 18th both Saban and Statian NGOs were invited to attend an information session geared to informing them on funding opportunities for projects with a social goal. Organizations that have ongoing projects or have submitted project proposals previously were also in attendance as there was an opportunity to discuss progress and new ideas. A similar session was hosted on Sint Maarten in March, whereby multiple organizations were visited by a delegation from the Netherlands as well.
Persons who missed this opportunity can call on the local Project Coordinator, Fleur Hermanides, for more information on possible financial assistance for social projects. For more information visit: http://samenwerkendefondsen.org/en, email sintmaarten@samenwerkendefondsen.org / saba@samenwerkendefondsen.org / statia@samenwerkendefondsen.org or call +1721-586 08 08.
A downloadable funding application form can be found on the website, and appointments can be made via the abovementioned contact information.