Published On: Mon, Mar 2nd, 2020

New lamp posts on Philipsburg boardwalk

GEBE works on lampposts Boardwalk - 20200302 JH

PHILIPSBURG — Utility company GEBE has been commissioned by the Minister of VROMI to provide the boardwalk in Philipsburg with new lighting. From Walter Plantz Square to Bobby’s Marina, the ornamental lamp posts are being removed and replaced with galvanized steel supports.

In total it concerns 46 lampposts, over a distance of almost two kilometers. It is a difficult job for GEBE employees: no one knows exactly where the power lines run, there are no drawings, and the wiring is cast in concrete. This morning, electricians have traced a line that, seen from Walter Plantz Square, runs to the second lamppost. This post supplies only three of the 46 lampposts with power.

GEBE works on installation lamppost Boardwalk - 20200302 JH

The team has been instructed to lay new wiring along the entire boardwalk, in the sand. The excavation work started this morning. Around eleven o’clock the first new steel lamppost stood in front of the Sea Palace Hotel.

The ornamental lampposts will be removed one by one in the coming weeks. Only when a new pole has been placed next to it and connected to electricity, do the electricians proceed to the next one. The boardwalk remains illuminated at night, the GEBE team assures.

GEBE places lampposts on Boardwalk - 20200302 JH

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