Published On: Sun, Jan 14th, 2018

Statia Farmers Most Heavily Subsidized

StatiaNews Picture of the Day - 13 Jan 2018

Dear Editor,

Has it occurred to you that a handful of farmers in Statia are probably the most heavily subsidized farmers on earth? We read of how in various countries farmers get subsidies from their governments – actually from taxpayers. They get peanuts compared with what Statia animal owners get.

Think how much money home owners in Statia have had to spend over the years for walls and fences. Anyone who builds a house today immediately begins to plan to build a wall or fence. If you total up the cost of all these walls and fences you would have over a million dollars, my bet. And every year people have to spend more money to repair their walls and fences.

Why do they build these? Is it for aesthetics? No. They have spent this money to keep out goats, sheep and cattle that are owned by Statians. The property owners subsidize the animal owners. This is a pretty stupid situation.

It might be smarter for the government or the Dutch (who cares at this point?) to tax all property owners $50 per year and to use that money to build fences to keep these damned animals IN. That would be a lot cheaper than all the wall and fence-building that takes place to keep the animals out.


Photo caption: Goat on the Gas Station. Picture of the Day provided by StatiaNews.com.