Published On: Mon, Mar 5th, 2018

Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin celebrates victory with overall winner Heineken Regatta 2018

PM Leona Marlin-Romeo with winning team overall based on points

Port de Plaisance — In her very brief remarks when she was invited on stage to assist with one of the very important presentations at the conclusion of the 38th St. Maarten Heineken Regatta, Prime Minister of St. Maarten, Leona Marlin-Romeo told the gathering that the island is open for business.

“Yes, we had a very rough time during and after hurricane Irma, but that did not let us stop there. We are open for business and looking forward to seeing each of you here next year,” she said.

Before leaving the stage, Prime Minister Leona Marlin-Romeo had the distinct pleasure of handing over the ‘Most Worthy Performance trophy overall to Jan Van Den Eynde, the Captain of Wanna B, from St. Maarten.

Wanna B, which finished with a score of (12) competed in the CSA4 class secured three 1st places, a 2nd, 3rd and a 4th. What was a very proud moment for the Prime Minister was also a proud one for Jan Van Den Eynde and his crew.


Island Time Class winner for Friday was Avocation, a Swan 48 skippered by Hank Schmitt from the USA picked up a 1st in race one, 5th in race two and 2nd in race three. The island time winner for Saturday was Caribella, a Charger 33 with Gordon Robb from St. Maarten and the winners for the final day was our very own, ‘Kids At Sea’ on Moondance, a Catalina 36, manned by Rien Korteknie from St. Maarten.

The Sol Cup for the fastest non-spinnaker on Friday was presented by David Antrobus to Rick Gormley from Antigua, the captain of Elethea, a First 38. The cup for the most worthy Swan was presented by Lucy Jackson of Performance Yacht Charter to Tomek Ulatowski from Poland on Varsovie, a Swan 100.

Island Time Inshore, Micron 99, with Robbie Ferron from St. Maarten (17) points, Fiji Racing Team (22) points and Kids at Sea 1, with Ross barker/Garth Steyn of St Maarten, (24) points.

CSA Multi Hull class

Belle, lagoon 450 with Petr Kochnev, Sailexperts c/o VPM Bestsail (Russian Federation) 5 points. Platin, a Lagoon 380 with Boris Alexandrovich Gusev, c/o VPM Bestsail (Russian Federation) 5 points and Kataplasm, a KL 28 Trophee with Pierre-Walter Varkala of Martinique, 9 points.

Bareboat 2 class

KHS&S Contractors, a Dafour 44/Dream Yacht Charters with Mike Cannon and Neil Harvey from the USA picked up 5 points. Kraken Beers with Dirty ‘Oars, a Benneteau Oceanis 45/Moorings 45.3, with Russel Bertrand from Canada had 17.5 points and Koenig Ludwig and Karl Haist aboard a Sunsail 41S3E from Germany had 22 points.

Bareboat 1 class

Autoboat, a Jeanneau SO 509/Sunsail 50S4E, with Andrey Kochnev from Russia had 9 points, Regionalisten Sailing Club, a Jeanneau SO 509/Sunsail 50S4K with Arthur Diephuis from the Netherlands had 12 points and in third was Marinero Sailing School Ukraine, a Jenneau Sun Odyssey 509 DK with Dmytro Pototskiy from Ukraine, 12 points.

Melges 24 class

Team Island Water World, with Dr Frits Bus from St. Maarten 5 points, Gill Racing Team, with Andrea Scarabelli/Christopher Marshall from St. Maarten, 10 points and Caraibe Marina, with Philippe Leconte from Martinique on 12 points.

CSA 5 class

Avanti, a Hanse 430 with Jeremi Jablonski from the USA, 9 points, Blue Fin, a Jeanneau 54 DSA with Rodney Dodd from the United Kingdom, 10 points followed by Out of Africa, a Beneteau Oceanis 45, with Hans van Mameren from St. Maarten, 17 points.

CSA 4 class

Wanna B, from St Maarten with 12 points, Solstice, a J/105 with Jordan Mindich from the USA, 16.5 points and Whistler, a J/105 with Peter S. Lewis from Barbados.

CSA 3 class

El Ocaso, a J122, with Chris Body from the USA, 10 points, Touch 2 Play Racing, a reflex 38, with Rob Butler from Canada 13 points and Apollo, a J-121 with Donald Nicholson from the USA, 15 points.

CSA 2 class

PYR Quokka, a Grand Soleil 43, Grand Performance Yacht racing with Christian Reynolds from the United Kingdom, 7 points, Pata Negra-PYC, a Marc Lombard 46 with Micheal Wright from Ireland, 10 points and PYR EH01, a First 47.7cr, with Andy Middleton from the United Kingdom, 10 points.

CSA 1 class

Lazy Dog, a Melges 32, with Sergio Sagramoso from Puerto Rico, 6 points, Kick em Jenny 2, a Melges 32 with Ian Hope Ross from St Maarten, 11 points and Taz, a RP37 with Bernard Evan-Wong of Antigua and Barbuda, 13 points.

Offshore Multi Hull class

WOW, a Stelth 14 GT with David Liddel of the United Kingdom, 4 points, Morticia, a Modified Sea Cart 30, with Dale Mitchell from Australia, 6 points and Arawak, with Jobert-Nivalt a 52, Adventure Sports Sailing from St Maarten, 9 points.

Ocean racing 2 class

Akouavi,a Pogo 12.50 with Chris Swallow from the United Kingdom, 4 points, Loose Fish, a Class 40 with John Niewenhous from the USA, 6 points and Esprit Scout, a Class 40, with Marc Dubos from France, 9 points.

Ocean racing 1 class

Green Dragon, a Volvo Open 70, with Przemyslaw Tarnacki from Austria, 4 points, Ambersail, a Farr, with Linas Ivanauskas from Lithuania, 5 points and Monster Project, Humphreys Yacht Design VOR70 with Mateusz Kusznierewicz from Poland, 9 points.

Maxi Class

Kialoa 111, a S&S 78, K3 Foundation from the USA, 5 points, Camiranga- Crioula Team, a Soto 65 with Samuel from Brazil 7 points and Durex, a X-612, with Nico Cortlever from St. Maarten on 13 points.

Team Goldon Dog was awarded the trophy for charity sailing and the St. Maarten Youth Challenge Trophy for the best sailing team was awarded to Tryst.

Photo caption: Prime Minister Leona Marlin Romeo joins the jubilant crew of ‘Wanna B’ from St. Maarten, the winners of the Most Worthy Performance overall in the 38th St. Maarten Heineken Regatta. Photo by Milton Pieters.