Published On: Wed, Jan 19th, 2022

Some words of advice to…

The Sitting Representatives of the People of Sint Maarten, the Government, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, Political Parties, Politicians, aspiring Politicians and aspiring Representatives of the People of Sint Maarten, passionate advocates for good causes, visionaries, ambitious young people with vision, retired professionals and those having gained much experience along the paths of their careers, as well as Country development contributors of all kind, it is imperative that we all continuously live lifestyles of INTEGRITY in order to be good examples and role models to our children, teenagers, as well as young adults of our Country Sint Maarten.

The writings are on the walls and deep down we all know what needs to be done, and what must be done for our continued survival, as well as for the welfare and prosperity of our Country.

Let us all be specifically clear as to the direction, as it pertains to our economy, safety, and wellbeing.

We cannot any longer turn away, either turn our backs from these realities, specifically the building and maintaining of strong, positive, relationships and ties with The Hague, Netherlands, another Country, which is Part of the Dutch Kingdom of which we are all a part of.

A healthy and prosperous future of the Dutch Caribbean Countries for all of its People depends on this.

And as we are about to build new relationships with the New Coalition Government of the Netherlands, let us use this time, this opportunity, as well as this moment, to place our best horses at the front.

And when I say best horses, I am not specifically referring to just the most highly educated, but referring to those that really do understand, whether they are experienced or not, what it is going to take, doing whatever, to contribute towards a stronger and better relationship between the Kingdom Partners of the Netherlands.

A relationship that will bring us, specifically the Dutch Caribbean Countries to the level of Autonomy, Equality and Decolonization Status as has been clearly outlined by way of Resolution of the United Nations.

All of the above clearly outlined in details with all specificity as are stated in the Articles of this UN Resolution.

But it is going to take political willingness on all Governmental levels of all Four Countries of the Kingdom.

We await the Introductory Statements of our New State Secretary of Kingdom Relations, representing the Position of this New Dutch Government of Prime Minister Rutte, and his Government’s Vision for the Dutch Caribbean Countries moving forward.

As Founder and President of the Integrity Advancement Movement (IAM) Foundation on Sint Maarten, we are looking forward as to what role we will be able to play in all this with INTEGRITY from a Dutch Caribbean Countries PERSPECTIVE.

An Approach that takes INTEGRITY out of the box, and into all Segments of the Communities of the Dutch Caribbean Countries, bringing it in a very simplified manner so that All People will understand what INTEGRITY REPRESENTS AS A LIFESTYLE.

Achken Roberto Richardson
Founder and President of the Integrity Advancement Movement IAM Foundation