Published On: Thu, Sep 22nd, 2016

Merx steps down as Matser’s attorney

GREAT BAY – MP Silvio Matser will have to find another attorney after his legal counsel Cor Merx threw in the towel yesterday during a pro forma hearing about the Octopus-investigation into vote-buying ahead of the 2014 elections.

Merx was upset with Judge Dirk Gruijters when it came to setting a date for the next court hearing. Merx did not have his agenda with him and suggested to exchange options via email but the judge adjourned the meeting for fifteen minutes to give the attorney the time to go to his office and come back with his agenda.

“I do not let the court send me like a little boy in this incredible heat to my office,” Merx fumed. “So I refused to go. Then the judge said that he would set a date and that’s fine. But on October 13 I am not available, so Mr. Matser will have to find another attorney. Have they gone mad?”