Published On: Wed, Sep 13th, 2017

Bent but not broken

We in St. Maarten are resilient people. We have recovered once already from a major hurricane disaster 22 years ago when Luis hit the island followed by Hurricane Marilyn. This time around, Hurricane Irma hit the island hard, but it was spared a second hit when Hurricane Jose turned north. Despite that, the island was still hit by another storm. The storm of the looters with their looting and plundering. They have caused more damaged than any hurricane ever could because they have damaged the image of our island as The Friendly Island and they have inflicted major pain to business owners on the island and the people are ashamed of such horrendous behaviour. Despite all of that, the island and its people are – just like the statue of One Tete Lokay – bent, but not broken. We will recover, rebuild and prosper again.

One Tete Lockay - Bend not Break

Photo caption: The statue of One Tete Lokay at the roundabout in Cayhill on Link One. Photo by Today photo journalist, Milton Pieters.