Tag archive for ‘enterprises’
By Online Editor On Monday, November 18th, 2019

Minister Geerlings submits proposal of US$10-15 million to stimulate national economy

POND ISLAND, Sint Maarten – Caretaker Minister of Finance Hon. Perry Geerlings has developed a detailed proposal to grow the economy through a stimulus for micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises. The proposal More...

By Desk Editor On Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

Minister Johnson Statement regarding Qredits

On Tuesday we read the headline in the daily paper, “Qredits discontinues soft-loan programme.” The information in the newspaper was based on a press release that was issued by Qredits in the Netherlands. I More...

By Desk Editor On Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

Minister Johnson: Micro, small and medium enterprises are a great source of employment

POND ISLAND — Sint Maarten — Last year on 27 June, the international community celebrated for the first time the Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day. These are enterprises, which generally More...