Published On: Mon, Jan 6th, 2020

What did any other parties really do in Parliament?

Editorial - St Maarten NewsThe question was raised when we published the achievements article about the SMCP on our front page outlining what the party did in Parliament during its 19 months’ term.

Few parties if any can publish anything citing real achievements while in Parliament since 2018. If they can, we will be the first to publish it on our website. If we are lucky, even before Roddy Heyliger does so on his own news website.

We are of the opinion that a party’s achievements in Parliament, at the election polls and elsewhere, is in direct proportion to its ability to be well-organized or not. The saying goes it takes team work to make the dream work. Clearly the team work between Claude Peterson (aka Chacho) as MP and Wycliffe Smith as Minister is what exemplified the stability and consistency the SMCP stands for. It has been acknowledged that the stability within the coalition over the 19 months of its existence was largely due to the team player role the SMCP exhibited.

So to answer the question what did any other parties really do in Parliament, we would say unequivocally that they caused us to have to be going to the polls again on Thursday, January 9, 2020. We hope the voters exercise their democratic right in masses and give those parties the performance reviews they deserve.


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