Content analysis of the SMCP Manifesto
~ Party manifesto available for download here ~
PHILIPSBURG – With its 17-page manifesto the Sint Maarten Christian Party (SMCP) heads with confidence into the parliamentary elections on January 9. “SMCP expects to be involved in forming the government,” the document states.
The manifesto is organized in four sections; the first one describes the party, the second one the party’s vision for St. Maarten, the third one covers topics related to parliament and the fourth section is about controversial issues.
The party’s philosophy is based on universal Christian values and it therefore aims to “restore and promote accountability, transparency, integrity and decency to public life and governance.”
SMCP’s vision for the country aims for a “cohesive and multi-cultural society.” The party wants to create a national development plan that covers the next ten to twenty years, evaluate the constitutional status and work towards a revised relationship with the kingdom.
The vision section covers issues related to justice, finance, education, social affairs, the economy, infrastructure, youth, health and sports. All details can be found in the manifesto that is available for download here.
The party wants – among many other things – to enforce accountability for procurement procedures, overhaul the entire education system, establish national health insurance, introduce a supplemental pension and develop a public transportation policy. SMCP also wants to execute the “least costly and most effective” solution for the dump.
In Section 3, the manifesto mentions the “mediocre work ethic and low productivity” of parliament. The party proposes the introduction of a Code of Conduct for parliamentarians that includes disclosure of finances, gifts and favors, side jobs and business interests, including shareholdings.
SMCP wants to make ship jumping less attractive by reducing incentives for the single-person factions that result from this practice. Furthermore the party sticks to its objective of reducing the salaries of parliamentarians by 10 percent and to limit severance pay to three months of full salary. Currently this so-called political pension (for politicians who have not reached retirement age) continues on a sliding scale for two years.
The section about controversial issues clarifies the party’s stand on same-sex marriage, abortion and euthanasia. SMCP opposes all three, based on its Christian core values.
“Church and State should be separated but you cannot separate God and government,” the manifesto states, adding that “neither church nor state should have any form of institutional control over each other.”
SMCP furthermore opposes legalizing prostitution and although it does not support gambling, it recognizes that the thirteen casinos on the island are legal businesses. The party wants a moratorium on casino licenses and it aims to enforce casino-related legislation, among others to ensure that these businesses pay their fair share of taxes.
Carnival is another controversial issue for the SMCP. In consultation with the carnival foundation, the party wants to tackle nudity, drunkenness and vulgarity that have become common during this cultural event.
Lastly, SMCP is prepared to regulate the use of marijuana for medical and scientific purposes, but it remains opposed to legalizing its recreational use.
The SMCP manifesto is available for download here.
Related links:
SMCP Manifesto 2020-2024
“Vote against ship jumpers and those who join them!”
The Human Factor in Government
Editorial: “The H-Factor“