Published On: Fri, Aug 16th, 2024

MP Arrindell might be prosecuted for vote-buying

PHILIPSBURG -- The Public Prosecutor’s Office intends to prosecute Member of Parliament Akeem Arrindell for vote-buying during the January 2024 elections.

In a press release, that does not mention Arrindell by name, the prosecutor’s office announces that it has formally requested permission from the Common Court of justice to prosecute “a Sint Maarten member of parliament at the center of the Aconitum case.”

In January, Arrindell was a candidate for the United People’s party (UP). He won 355 votes, enough to secure a seat in the new parliament.

The press release explains that prosecuting Arrindell requires approval from the Common Court based on article 123 of the Constitution of St. Maarten.

“The prosecutor’s office believes there is compelling evidence linking the MP to vote-buying activities - a crime that undermines the democratic process and threatens the fairness of elections.”

Arrindell was arrested on August 1 as a suspect of participating in a criminal organization designed to buy votes, “with the MP allegedly being the primary beneficiary.”

Arrindell was released after questioning but he remains a suspect in the case. Three others were also arrested on July 31. Investigators searched Arrindell’s office at the parliament building.

The National Detectives are leading the investigation under the authority of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the press release states.

If the Common Court approves the request for prosecution, Arrindell will promptly be subpoenaed.

The investigation, Aconitum, is named after a plant that contains aconite, a strong and fast-acting poison that causes severe side-effect like nausea, vomiting, breathing problems, heart problems and death.



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